Turkey, Bulgaria mutually recognize vaccination certificates

Turkey and Bulgaria will recognize each other’s vaccine certificates for travel between the two countries, authorities said on Friday.

According to the governor’s office in the northwestern Edirne province, Turkey and Bulgaria have set forth their conditions for mutual exception from COVID-19 test.

“As of May 28, 2021, our citizens will be able to travel to Bulgaria without submitting a PCR test and/or application of quarantine, if they have COVID-19 immunity/vaccine certificates (Sinovac and Pfizer/Biontech vaccines) issued by the competent authorities in Turkey,” the office said in a written statement.

It added that the same goes for Bulgarian nationals with COVID-19 immunity/vaccine certificates and they can enter Turkey without a PCR test or quarantine obligation at least 14 days after they receive the second dose of vaccine.

Bulgarians aged under 18 can travel together with their families who hold vaccine certificates, and exemption from virus test and quarantine will be applied to them as well, the statement also said.

Source: Anadolu Agency

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